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As Pieces 2-6mm 99.999% Pure

Arsenic Metal

UN1558 6.1 PG II


As2O5 Pieces 12mm & smaller (sintered) 99.999% Pure

Arsenic Oxide

UN1559 6.1 PG II


As2O5 Pieces 12mm & smaller (sintered) 99.9% Pure

Arsenic Oxide

UN1559 6.1 PG II


As2Se3 Pieces 1-6mm (melted) 99.999% Pure

Arsenic Selenide

UN1557 6.1 PG II


As2Se3 Pieces 1-6mm (melted) 99% Pure

Arsenic Selenide

UN1557 6.1 PG II


As2S3 Pieces 1-6mm (melted red) 99.9% Pure

Arsenic Sulphide

UN1557 6.1 PG II


As2Te3 Pieces 3-12mm (melted) 99.999% Pure

Arsenic Telluride

UN1557 6.1 PG II


As2Te3 Pieces 3-12mm (melted) 99% Pure

Arsenic Telluride

UN1557 6.1 PG II


As2Te3 Pieces 1-6mm (melted) 99.999% Pure

Arsenic Telluride

UN1557 6.1 PG II


As Pieces <20mm 99.999% Pure

Arsenic Metal

UN1558 6.1 PG II


As2Te3 Pieces 3-8mm 99.999% Pure

Arsenic Telluride

UN1557 6.1 PG II


As2O3 -100 Mesh 99.99% Pure

Arsenic Oxide

UN1561 6.1 PG II


As2O3 -100 Mesh 99.9% Pure

Arsenic Oxide

UN1561 6.1 PG II


As2Se3-325 Mesh (typ. =10 microns 99.99% Pure

Arsenic Selenide

UN1557 6.1 PG II


As2S3 -325 Mesh 99.999% Pure

Arsenic Sulphide

UN1557 6.1 PG II


As2S3 -325 Mesh (yellow) 99.9% Pure

Arsenic Sulphide

UN1557 6.1 PG II


As2Te3 -325 Mesh (typ. =10 microns) 99.999% Pure

Arsenic Telluride

UN1557 6.1 PG II


As2Te3 -325 Mesh (typ. =10 microns) 99% pure

Arsenic Telluride  

UN1557 6.1 PG II



As2S3 -100 Mesh 99.999% Pure

Arsenic Sulphide

UN1557 6.1 PG II


Arsenic Telluride As2Te3, Available purity 99.999%


Arsenic Telluride-Copper As2Te3-Cu 1 at%, Available purity 99.999%


Arsenic sulphide As2S3, Available purity 99.99%


As2Te3 - Cu 1 at% TRG 3" dia. x 0.250" Tk 99.999% Pure

Arsenic Telluride-Copper


As2S3 TRG 25.4mm dia x 6.35mm Tk 99.99% Pure

Arsenic Sulphide


Arsenic (chemical symbol As) is a metalloid that belongs to Group 15 of the periodic table. It naturally occurs in various forms, including grey (metallic), yellow, and black, with grey arsenic being the most common and stable form. Found in the Earth’s crust, arsenic is usually associated with minerals such as arsenopyrite, realgar, and orpiment. Historically known for its toxicity, arsenic has been used in various applications, from pesticides and wood preservatives to alloys and electronics.


Arsenic has several distinctive properties that influence its applications. It has an atomic number of 33 and an atomic mass of 74.92 u, with a density of 5.73 g/cm³. Arsenic does not have a melting point under standard atmospheric pressure; instead, it sublimates directly from solid to gas at around 615 °C. It is a poor conductor of electricity and heat and is highly brittle, meaning it shatters easily when struck. Arsenic’s toxicity and ability to form compounds with various elements make it both useful and hazardous, requiring careful handling in industrial settings.

Applications and Uses

Despite its notorious reputation, arsenic is used in several industries. In the semiconductor industry, arsenic is used in the production of gallium arsenide (GaAs), a compound that is essential for high-speed electronics, solar cells, and LEDs due to its superior electron mobility compared to silicon. Arsenic compounds, particularly arsenic trioxide, are employed in small doses in the medical field for the treatment of specific types of cancer, such as acute promyelocytic leukaemia. In metallurgy, arsenic is added to lead and copper alloys to improve strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance.

Arsenic is also used in the production of pesticides, herbicides, and wood preservatives, although its use in these areas has decreased significantly due to environmental and health concerns. The element’s ability to disrupt biological systems makes it effective in controlling pests and fungi, but this same property necessitates strict regulations and controls to prevent contamination. Furthermore, arsenic compounds are utilised in the glass and ceramics industries to remove bubbles and improve the appearance of products.


In summary, arsenic is a versatile but highly toxic element with a range of industrial applications, from electronics and alloys to medical treatments. Its properties, particularly in forming useful compounds like gallium arsenide, make it an important material in modern technology, although its handling requires caution due to its significant health and environmental risks.

Symbol As
Atomic number 33
Atomic weight 74.9216
Electronic configuration [Ar] 3d104s24p3
Ionization energy/MJmol-1 III 0.947
II 1.798
III 2.736
Sum (l+II+HI)/MJmol-1 5.481
Sum (IV+V)/MJmol-4 10.88
Electronegativity χ 2
Density (25°C)/gcm-3 5.778
Melting point / °C 8I6(8.6atm)
Boiling point / °C 613 (subl.)
rcov(MIII single bond)/pm 120
rionic(6-coordinate)( MIII)/pm 58
(6-coordinate)(MV)/pm 46
Hardness (Mohs) 3.5
Electrical resistivity (20°C)/μohm cm 33.3
Contraction on freezing/% 10
Temperature (oC) @Vap. Pressure
10-8 Torr 107 Sublimes
10-6 Torr 150 Sublimes
10-4 Torr 210 Sublimes
Electron Beam Poor
Crucible Vitreous graphite & Al2O3
Coil -
Boat Carbon
Toxic, sublimes rapidly at low temperature.